An Unforgettable Weekend of Renewal, Equipping, Worship and Prayer. Free Registration!
Featuring Hans Weichbrodt (Gothenburg, Sweden), multiple worship teams and Break Forth Prayer Team.

Session Descriptions

Friday Night: 
Through the Storm
After two years in prison, Paul is shipped to Rome. During the perilous sea-journey Paul is transformed from being a prisoner to the moral leader of the whole ship! Learn from Paul how to go through the valley of despair to become a hope-bearer for everyone else! Experience heart renewal and hope made alive!

 Saturday Classes:

Session 1:  - Could Israel Be the Ultimate Sign?
Hans will skillfully enlighten the Scriptural intriguing prophetic pattern concerning Israel and the End times. Teaching will include the Jews - Gods people and their return, restoration, revival and receiving of Jesus the Messiah. (Ezek 37:12)
Session 2:  - Jesus – The King of the Jews
"Jesus from Nazareth- The King of the Jews" This was the sign that Pontius Pilate himself ordered to be put up above the head of our crucified Saviour. This was both true and deeply prophetic at the same time. Join in on a lecture that walks through and explains several fascinating Hebrew prophecies in the Old Testament. See how they prophetically paint a Beautiful and intriguing Picture of Jesus of Nazareth as the King of the Jews!"

Session 3:  The Seven Congregations
Join a tour through the seven different congregations that received personal letters from our Lord Jesus Christ himself. As we go through the letters you will find that they not only are letters to the congregations then, but messages to us here and now! You will gain insights you have never learned before as Hans shares both theological truths and practical truths from leading trips to the 7 Congregations.

Session 4:  The Triumphant Return Of Christ
The prophet Zachariah saw it even before He came the first time. Jesus himself prophesized about the same glorious event- His own triumphant and glorious return on clouds of glory to proclaim Gods victory over all evil. We will explore the mind-blowing prophecies about the very point of time when all knees on Earth, willingly or reluctantly, will bow for the King of Kings and Lord of Lords as He comes to reign on the very same planet that saw him die and be resurrected two thousand years ago. Your heart will be deeply stirred!

Saturday Night: 
Revival Now!
Does your soul long for revival in our nation? Hear the first hand stories of how in Sweden, one of the worlds most secularized countries, the Holy Spirit was powerfully outpoured recently after 20,000 people knelt and prayed for revival. Take up the challenge for your life, for your family, for your church, for your community and for our nation! (2 Chronicles 7:14)      

Sunday Morning Worship: 
Put On The Whole Armor Of God!
Paul went through huge hardships in life so he was the right person to teach about spiritual warfare. Paul encourages us to put on the whole armor of God! Learn how to overcome difficulties and advance the kingdom of God, amidst tough circumstances.